The DESK: Before

I LOVE this DESK! This was a seriously fantastic find from the DI. (Always from the DI. ;) I walked by it and did one of those comical double takes complete with jaw dropping. I immediately fell in loVE! ;) It was so pretty and petite and ornate. (...swoon...) Since I had just moved the vanity desk that used to be in Ali's room down into Lizzy's room (a post of her room will follow) there was an empty space in Ali's room that needed to be filled. I seriously didn't think I would be able to find something to replace it. But I DID! And it is WAY better. ;) AND!!!! was ONLY $30!!!

So this chair actually belongs in Lizzy's room but I had it in Ali's room for the Studio 5 filming (because I have not found "the perfect chair" for Ali's desk yet). When I got this chair home from the DI, I immediately removed somebody's attempt at basket-weaving and made a little ruffle back for it. (I'm obsessed with ruffles...I mean...SERIOUSLY obsessed.) Since my dear sister was here (who is way better at sewing than I am) I let her have the project of the seat cushion. (Aren't I so kind? hehe) I explained to her that I wanted it round and that I wanted the ruffles from the back of the chair to be replicated in a circular pattern on the cushion to imitate a flower. I showed her how to do the ruffles out of chiffon (chiffon is hard to work with and you have to flame-finish ALL the edges...ugh. It's very tedious but it is worth it because it's so beautiful) I flamed, she sewed and she created a beautiful masterpiece. I really heart her. ;)

I actually did like the ivory and gold colors that it came in because there is so much gold in the room. It also created depth and dimension to the desk. Unfortunately, there were some color variations on the desk and it was yellowed in some areas. It also had a few nicks and scratches. So I made the decision to paint it all a crisp white to match the armior (that was also re-vamped...a post will arrive shortly. ;) and to match the white guest bed in the room.
To do this, I had to use an oil-based primer first because I wasn't sure what type of finish was on the piece. Oil-based is wonderful because it adheres to ANYTHING. There is no sanding required (although I did it for good measure anyway) and you may use any top coat that you want. My sis, Ashley was visiting before leaving on her mission and we had fun doing this project together. Many thanks to her. ;) We added a top coat of crisp white and painted the hardware as well. One of the drawers was missing it's hardware so we moved the hardware that was on the top right drawer over to the top left drawer that was missing the hardware and replaced it with a crystal knob from Hobby Lobby.
I accented it with (...and this is my favorite part of the desk...)some books that had the shapes and widths that I wanted and just covered them with beautiful, coordinating scrapbook paper. I smile every time I see them. My favorite book is in the middle. It looks very "Jane-Austin-reminiscent" to me (and I'm a huge Jane Austin fan). I topped those books with a lovely little crystal vase (or candle holder???...not sure...) and added a silk peony flower ('cause I love them. :) Of course, the awesome phone that I got from DI (forever ago) is there to complete it.
Oh! And I snagged that cute little flower frame from DI as well. It was kinda perfect and I put one of my favorite pictures of all time in it. It is a picture of Ali's cousin, Nate taking a taste of Ali just to see how sweet she really is. ;) My theory is that these are the personal touches that really make you fall in love with a room. My favorite things in a room are the things with history, sentimental value or if it's a super fabulous piece that also has a function to it.

Desk: $30 stinkin' bucks. It was a steal!
Primer: $0.00 It was left-over from the Armior
Paint: $0.00 was left-over from the Armior
Books: $0.00 Found 'em in my own library
Crystal Vase: $0.75?- DI
Peony Flower: $3.00 - Hobby Lobby
Crystal Knob: $ 1.50 - On sale at Hobby Lobby
Flower Frame: $0.50? DI
Print of the cutest little cousins, ever: $0.13
Phone: $0.00 Because I already had it but I think I got it at DI forever ago for only $5.00
Total Cost: $35.88 for the cutest little desk in town. ;)

I decided not paint the chair because I loved the rustic wood and metal finishes on it. It makes it look like it has a history and a story behind it. My sister, Crystal was right...painting the chair would have "cheesed" it up. ;)
The best part: It was $5!! Man, I love the DI!

Chair: $5.00 (Seriously?!)
Fabric: $0.00...Already had it in my stash but it would have only cost a couple bucks anyway.
Total Cost: $5.00 for the cutest little chair in town to match the cutest little desk in town. ;)
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