Here are some "Befores":
Now onto the "Afters": But before I begin...just note that all of my pretty little drawn arrows are gone for some reason. {sniffle} & I'm so frustrated that I'm not even going to go back & fix it.
Aren't these the cutest little push-pins you've EVER seen? And check out the Antique mason jar that my MIL gave me. She really knows how to get a girl a present. :) I heart it. These will be going in my Craft Room/Office space. :) |
The desk and Bookshelves got demo'd and we moved the bar over and added barstools (that are patiently awaiting thier make-over. WAY more open, huh?! |
Oh the plans I have for you, honey... :) Leave it copper or paint it black?? She will recieve edison bulbs (or just super round bulbs) and they will be left exposed. Then maybe will will give her some crystal jewlery. |
My desk will go along this wall and notice the window bench my sweetie built for me??{drool} |
My own color mix. The color that I originally picked {Benjamin Moore's "Rockport Grey"} was too dark so I added a TON of white that we had leftover, then got it color matched'. |
Here's the color combo from Home Depot if you want it. :) |
My lovely Murphy bed. :) And I was SO excited to finally stage some bookshelves. When I was staging them, I really wanted it to be for my hubby. He LOVES Scrabble and board games, loves to read and he lived in Thailand for 2 years(on a misison for our church) so I kept all that in mind and this was the result: |
Foosball anyone?? |
The Children's area has been reduced to this. Perfect. :) Now for some storage and bookshelves in that little space....hmmm.... |
No more projector. The flat screen has a much better picture and a much better life span. :) |
This is the re-claimed wood coffe table that my hubby made out of cherry baseboard from a job that he demo. He's so dang handy. :) You'll notice the 'before' at the top of this post. We originally painted it black but Jake took it out and sanded it all down to expose the pretty wood...but not all the way. :) I think it looks pretty rad. |
Don't mind that burn on the couch cushion... there will be a throw over the back eventually. One of my lovely children decided to remove the said cushion (after many times of telling him not to) and then shove it up against the space heater that Jake had just barely turned off. Needless to say the space heater is no longer in the basement. He has insulated and put a return air in so we actually don't even need it anymore. :) So happy. |
Still haven't painted my craftroom/office. It will be the same grey, just a LOT lighter. |
Can't wait to get this done....Unfourtunately, our budget ran out and I will only be able to paint for now. It'll come together eventually. :) Lizzy's craft area will be on the same wall that her door is on to the left. |
And that's all for now, folks!! I'll keep you posted but it'll be slow-going due to budget constraints. :) I still need curtains, doors, rugs, a throw for the couch and a craftroom/office. :)